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November 8, 2003

Exercise Issues

Well along with dieting(oops i mean lifestyle change). I need to start exercising but what can i do? To be honest, I have never wanted to exercise in my life. However if i want to continue to loose weight and improve my body exercise needs to be part of my life.

So what can i do?

Walk- I like to walk. Walking is good. I remember walking at the plaza-mall with my grandma when i was a teenager. We could walk for an hour at a good pace and I got used to walking fast. I think my choice of exercise would be walking. However, the plaza is no longer. walking on the road- bad idea near my house Too many cement trucks speeding past, not enough shoulder. Treadmill is probably my best bet. I would need a heavy duty one that folds for storage and they are a bit pricey. So cost is a factor, cause i am always afraid that i will hate it after a week. Then my money will be down the tubes.

Excercise Bike- this is runner up to walking. I think i could do it. But I would rather walk. And if I have to do a bike I would want to watch tv while i work out. I shall think about this.

Gym- no gym close enough to the house to make it worth my while. I will get tired of driving there. Marty offered to go to the LVC gym with me. This was a nice offer but the drive (30min) is to far.

weights- perhaps, i lifted weights my junior and senior year in high school.

absurd fitness contraptions -- the kind they sell of infomercials. My mom offered me one of her contraptions she bought. One where you walk and throw your arm about wildly in mid air. Sorry not for me.

let me know what you think.

Posted by smitty at November 8, 2003 9:59 AM


I like to walk. I like walking outside the most, but I also enjoy walking along with Leslie Sansone Tapes. I like the "Walk Away the Pounds for the Abs"best. Between doing those tapes a couple times a week and water aerobics, I felt like I had a ridiculous amount of energy the first several months starting Atkins. I have been a slacker since the week before Christmas, I am actually craving excercise right now, but I've been sick, so I havent gotten back in the swing yet.

Posted by: stacey gagne at January 9, 2004 9:43 AM

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