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December 30, 2003

Darren & Jess

Darren & Jess are home for the holidays and came over for a visit tonight. Lyle & Michelle came over too. We played Mysery of the Abby and Bang. Two new games I got for Christmas. It was a good night. It is always good to see them and hang with them. Somehow I feel like our visit was cut short. I suppose sometimes when we play games we don't talk as much as we could or should.

Somehow when Darren & Jess play games with us they always end up winning. I think it is some sort of secret cheating conspiracy, but i can not prove it. Once again Jess won Secret and Darren & Shelly won Bang.

Someday we will stop them.

Posted by smitty at December 30, 2003 9:53 AM


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