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January 28, 2004

3 weeks

Well it is official I have been doing Denise Austin Aerobics for 3 weeks. The first few days I felt like a total fool. Flailing my arms around in the air and stumbling around trying to keep up with Denise. Well 21 days later I am on my way to mastering my workout. I definitely feel better and am mastering my exercise.

Denise has a new workout everyday on the TV and TIVO records them all for me. I watch most of them and have not found one that I like as much as the original one I started with. I feel it was a God thing that the first one I recorded was a routine I like to do. I am afraid that if one of the other routines was the one I tried first I would have given up. So I think God knew how to help me out.

So will I be doing Aerobics in 3 more weeks? I hope so.

Posted by smitty at January 28, 2004 12:31 AM


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