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January 22, 2004


I find it interesting that my body has changed significantly in the last couple of months. However I still feel like the same person and I do not like that. Don't get me wrong I like being leaner and meaner and i have more energy than I have had in years. (i regularly make trips to our barn to fetch stuff and I run both ways) But the energy and skinnier body haven't really caught up with my overall feelings.

The person inside of me is still the same lazy fat kid who feels inadequate. Every week I go to atkins.com and fill out my profile in 'MY ATKINS' and one of the questions it asks me weekly is: What is your overall attitude(Positive, Negative or Neutral). Answering truthfully I have to say neutral every week. I want to be positive, but that is never where I am at.

I thought after losing XX number of pounds I would be happier, more dynamic, friendlier, (greener grass). The truth is I haven't changed a bit on the inside.

So my next goal might need to center around a lifestyle change on the inside as well as the outside.

Posted by smitty at January 22, 2004 11:47 PM


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