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January 26, 2004

Crossing 90

Today I broke 90lbs lost. I actually am at 91lbs since starting Atkins. This puts me closer to my second goal of my weight loss which is 100lbs. I am hoping to hit 100 before Feb 12. I think that will be an easy goal. My next goal was to be at 125lbs lost by my next doctors appointment which the end of March. That could be a hard goal to meet. My weight loss currently falls between 3 to 4 pounds a week. There is not much I can do to improve that. I am following Atkins to the best of my ability and exercising everyday. I am happy and if I continue to loose 3-4lbs a week by summer I will be in fine shape.

It also amazes me that I have not lost much in inches around my chest or waist in the last 2-3 weeks. However I lot another inch around my neck and my shoes feel loose. It would be ok if my body would just concentrate on my chest and waist. I can deal with a thick neck and big feet.

Posted by smitty at January 26, 2004 2:36 PM


Woo Hoo. congratulations. You know, I was looking over my old Atkins book today contemplating if I was in Induction still or in the Ongoing Weight Loss phase. I think Im in Ind-OWL. A little of both. It's a scary thought to have the weight loss slow down, so I am still staying pretty close to the Induction carb amounts, but being a little adventurous once in a while.

I think I am determined, though, not to go back. I got rid of all the bags of my "fat clothes". I also fear the pain of disappointing myself and my friends and want to continue on toward better health.

Posted by: Stacey Gagne at January 27, 2004 6:57 PM

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