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January 24, 2004

Day Off

I want a day off, Let me rephrase that, I need a day off. AND not a day off like I have had recently. Actually I can not remember a day off that was a real day off.

A day off is a day where not much happens. No work, No Housework, No Errands, No Nothing! Just rest in a vegetative state. Sleeping late and then perhaps a nice seat on the sofa watching some TIVO followed by a nap. Followed by a bath, Followed by a nice meal that I didn't have to cook or clean up. Followed by some more TIVO or a good DVD. Perhaps the V miniseries DVD collection that I bought months ago and have no time to watch.

My typical day off is nowhere close to this. Today is Saturday a supposed day off. I woke at 8:00am to 4 boys in Caleb's Bedroom playing (sleepover for his birthday). Both parents are late now in picking up there kids. Which is totally understandable(it is snowing). The Kralls are still on the turnpike somewhere, The VanVleets want me to drive their kids home. SO right now all the kids are rolling around on our living room floor wrestling. (not peaceful) And I just got off the phone with Kevin Clancy (long LOST friend) he is in town for a day and will be stopping by. Elsie's friend called and invited her to a birthday party tomorrow afternoon. So we need to go shopping for a present. SO NO DAY OFF today. Tomorrow(SUNDAY) the supposed day of rest. Will be full of Church, a Birthday Party & Youth Bible Study followed by Game night. NO DAY OF REST.
And ofcoarse on top of both of these days I will spend atleast a few hours doing email, and cooking, and bathing dirty children. Add to this my new need to excercise daily. And there will be no rest found.

Now I must say I made the choices in my life that have led to me never having a DAY OFF. I chose to get married and have children. I chose to work with our Youth Group. I chose my job. And as far as I am concerned they are all good choices. And I would never trade my wife or children for a DAY OFF. But I would love to figure out how we could all experience one together.

days inn room 111--- 865-4064

Posted by smitty at January 24, 2004 10:18 AM


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