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January 6, 2004


I really enjoy playing board games. And my current favorite is Domaine. An fun strategy game i got for Christmas and have been playing with my wife almost every night for the past week. We got started playing board games with our friend Lyle. One night two years ago he brought over Setlers of Catan to play after we watched Survivor. we were hooked after the first game. I can't even begin to imagine how many games we played those first few weeks.

Settlers gave way to dozens of other board games mere mortals don't even know exist. you can find most of my favorites at Game Surplus. Perhaps someday i will post my top ten list.

Playing games with my wife & Lyle is fun, but I am looking forward to the future when our whole family can sit around the table and spend hours playing games together. Currently we can play SORRY as a family which is not really my style but the kids enjoy it. I just can not wait to see thier minds grow and eventually they will be kicking my butt at Domaine & Settlers.

BTW. Thanks for the game, Lyle!

Posted by smitty at January 6, 2004 1:19 AM


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