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January 10, 2004

Drexel Sweatshirt

About a month after I started losing weight I noticed my pants were baggy and my shirts had extra room. This prompted a huge weight loss fashion show. With my wife rolling her eyes and me trying on most of the clothing in my closet. When we moved 3 years ago I got rid of most of my clothing that didn't fit. There were not many pieces of clothes that were a size smaller left. However I held on to my Drexel Sweatshirt. I bought my Drexel Sweatshirt in 1987 when I was a freshman. I loved my drexel sweatshirt And wore it for 4 years until it became too tight and it moved to the back of my closet. When I tried it on that night it was obvious that eventhough I lost weight I still was not a 2XL. The shirt fit like a very tight glove infact it was more like a chinese finger puzzle. The more i pulled to get it on or off the tighter it fit. Which prompted much laughing from my wife. I am glad i do not have that moment on tape.

Well it has been awhile since i tried on my sweatshirt so I thought I would give it a try this morning. Well it fits better than before. I can actually wear it. It is a bit snugger than I like to wear my clothing but it fits. My wife recalls me wearing it when we were first dating in 1989 and she said it was tight then. So for the first time in 15 years I am wearing my college sweatshirt.

Posted by smitty at January 10, 2004 10:56 AM


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