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January 16, 2004

Fleeting Furnace

85 Pounds ago my body was a furnace. I slept with no sheet or just a sheet with my bare feet sticking out the bottom. I walked around the house in a pair of shorts and i sweated at the drop of the hat. I rarely wore a sweater or long sleeved shirt, I went winters without a warm coat. I even wore shorts in December.

NOT ANYMORE. This week it feels like I am the coldest I have ever been in my life. I wear socks to bed and keep warm under a down comforter. I always wear socks and slippers around the house. I find it much more difficult to stay warm.

My fat was a great insulator. Definately kept me toasty. I miss my toastiness. I do not like wearing layers of clothing or being cold. I can't say i miss sweating 24/7. No one likes sweat, but it was nice being warm.

This will probably be a good thing this summer, perhaps i will not feel as hot.

Posted by smitty at January 16, 2004 9:27 PM


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