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January 11, 2004

My Family

I read my past 7 entries and have realized that all I do is talk about mysellf and Atkins(loosing weight). There is a bunch more going on in my life and my only guess as to why I do not write about it is that it is yucky.

Elsie, Miriam & Caleb had been sick all last week with Brochitus(sp?) and a sinus infection. Shelly has had the same and also a bladder infection. Coupled with her last trimester of pregnancy she is exhausted and has needed much sleep. On top of that Shelly's Grandma Good had a major stroke. (which has been a scarey wake up call, since shelly's mom just had a minor stroke) Grandma Good has just gotten worse as the week past. Culminating this morning with a phone call to the family that today could be her last. These items have kept us from being the normal productive family we usually are.

So that is family life in a nutshell. Now back to our regularly scheduled rants.

Posted by smitty at January 11, 2004 9:28 AM


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