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January 15, 2004


A few years ago i had an idea for a virtual web game. I called it snowballblast.com. I made the whole site myself except for the main graphics.
It is a fun little game that anyone with a web browser can play. The year I made it we promoted it heavy on wjtl and gave away a snowblower to the winner. We had 849 people play in the WJTL game. Kinda cool to think 849 people were sitting at there computers all playing a game i made.

Snowballblast is almost a living creation. It maintains itself through a daily series of timed scripts. And people come and go, win and loose and I never lift a finger or even think about it. It just has a life of it's own. Kinda weird to think of it that way.

Last week my wife suggested that I arrange for our youth group to play snowballblast, so i logged in for the first time this year and took a look around at the database. I was amused that people still play snowballblast. Over 500,000 snowball have been thrown in just over 1,000 games. People have logged in from places like Alaska & Guam to play. Actually the only state that I see that hasn't had a player is Hawaii. Perhaps people in Hawaii just do not appreciate snow ball fights.

Anyway thought that was interesting. Sometimes you just never know what you are doing or whose life you are touching.

Posted by smitty at January 15, 2004 8:49 PM


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