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January 18, 2004

Sunday Nights

I love Sunday Nights. Sunday Night is Youth Bible Study at our house. And despite horrible conditions we had 9 kids show up tonight. We talked about being aware of our surroundings and being observant of other people both at school and at youth group. Everyone left with an assignment to spend 5 minutes during youth group getting to know someone new and 5 minutes observing people and looking for those that might need extra attention.

Very good discussion.

After bible study was over, Lyle and Dave stopped by for games. We played Goldland and Transamerica. I lost both. Lyle cut me off in Goldland making it very hard to win. And in Transamerica I picked awful cards making it impossible to win. such is life.

Posted by smitty at January 18, 2004 11:46 PM


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