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January 30, 2004


Well due to my actions and my personality I would expect most people that I have known throughout the years would have found me unforgettable. But as I found out tonight that is not the case.

I took a handful of guys to a concert tonight. (Kutless, The Mint, Unsettled) I used to work concerts 10 years ago so I met some people who I had spent tons of time with in the past. The two women who sell tickets at the concerts I have known for at least 12 years I spent 4 years working every concert with them and the last 8 years I see them at least 1 to 2 times a year.

Well tonight I walked up to the ticket table and said hello and they looked at me strangely. They didn't have a clue as to who I was, but they did know I looked familiar. After I spoke with them for a bit one of them finally recognized me by voice.

Anyway I left the conversation feeling very good about myself. Obviously my weight loss is working. It is hard for me to see cause I look in the mirror every hour and the person I see looks the same to me. But for those people who only see me a few times a year my weight loss must be much more dramatic.
Tonight, I am pleased.

Posted by smitty at January 30, 2004 11:57 PM


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