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January 9, 2004


okay, if you are not sitting down sit down. I have some news for you and i am afraid if I tell you while you are standing up you will fall on the floor and start laughing. So i thought if you were seated you would be closer to the ground.

I finally decided on an exercise option that works for me(atleast right now). I have been for the past four days doing the the Denise Austin workout. Yup big ole me rolling around the living room watching Denise Austin effortlessly kick her legs in the air.

How long will I be able to handle following Denise as she lunges and kicks and talks effortlessly without breaking a sweat? I dunno. But atleast I am doing something.

Personally I am glad God didn't want me to become a dancer. I have realized that I can barely do two things at one time without falling over. Coordinated hand and leg motions to the beat of the music might be the death of me. And the commercials breaks on the "lifetime for women" network are the worst.

Posted by smitty at January 9, 2004 1:43 PM


Yee haw. I've never heard of her. I am a fan of Leslie Sansone (see post on the Exercise Issues Entry)

Have fun with it. : )

Posted by: stacey gagne at January 9, 2004 4:54 PM

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