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February 12, 2004


Well it is official this afternoon, during my ritual afternoon weighing I finally reached 275lbs. This is 100 pounds lost since beginning atkins on October 2(133 days ago). This also brings me to 116 pounds lost since my heaviest recorded weight at my doctors office(last year). I am by no means finished in this battle of my bulge. My next goal is to be under 250 by the time the baby comes. I estimate this to be the last week of March. Which gives me jut under 50 days to lose 25 more pounds.

BTW, my original goal was to be at 225 by the time the baby came. I made that goal after two weeks of Atkins when I had lost a pound a day. I revised my goal in December to be 250 as my weight loss slowed down a bit.

This is an achievable goal if I do not plateau.

Posted by smitty at February 12, 2004 4:38 PM


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