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February 19, 2004

7 pounds

Somedays the sun shines on you no matter what you do. Today is that day. When I first started Atkins I had lost a pound a day for a month or two. But after my initial honeymoon with Atkins was over I slowed down to 5, then 4 then 3 pounds a week. I am still happy losing three pounds a week. That is more than most plans can do and I believe I am loosing fat not muscle.

So today I was surprised that when i recorded my weight for the week I had lost 7lbs. This amount of weight loss hasn't happened in over two months. I am very pleased. I am sure i will lose less next week but I will take the loss today.

Which brings me to something funny. So with my most recent weight loss brings me to a total of 123 pounds lost since my heaviest weight ever. This means I have lost more weight than trish weighs (itickets trish) she might weigh 120 soaking wet wearing cement shoes.

Posted by smitty at February 19, 2004 1:00 PM


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