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February 15, 2004

Big Dog vs. Nike

We went shopping this weekend. Had to get meat cause we eat a bunch of it(ATKINS BABY!). The only place we like to buy meat is Costco in Lancaster. The meat comes in big packs and seems fresher and tastier that local grocery stores.

On our way I wanted to stop at the Big Dog Store just down 30. I had gotten a Big Dog GC for Christmas and wanted to see what sort of bargains they had in their clearance section. In the past month I have given away about 4 garbage bags filled with clothing. I have barely any summer clothing to speak of(more talk about my clothing woes in a later blog). So upon arriving at Big Dog I went running across the parking lot to the store. As I ran i saw that the Nike store is right under the Big Dog store.

My brain switched gears immediately. I needed to go to the Nike store. Mind you, I do not have any money budgeted for clothing currently(none). But there was something in me that drove me to the Nike store. For one, when i was in high school having and wearing nike was cool and I could barely fit into any of there clothing or sneakers cause i was to big(they barely made 2X clothing 15-20 years ago) and my feet were too wide. So today cause I feel like I might be able to fit into their clothing and I still think whatever was cool in High School is still cool I was drawn to the Nike store.

Upon arriving the first thing I noticed was mesh basketball shorts. I have one pair at home and they are getting to big. So i went over to the display only $9 a pair not bad when they cost $25-$30 at normal stores. They had one pair in the whole rack that was my size. The rest were too big all 3x and 4x. Since when did Nike cater to fat people? Obviously I have been out of the loop for awhile.

I found a few shirts on the $6 rack. I was pretty happy. Ended up blowing $40 on clothing. I then went to Big Dogs which seemed anticlimactic and bought some clothing from their clearance rack.

Posted by smitty at February 15, 2004 6:39 PM


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