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February 20, 2004

chinese food

My mom showed up and took us out for chinese food yesterday. It had been my first time to go to South China in a few months. Before Atkins, our family were regulars at South China. We went a minimum of 4 times a month.

I knew what i was going to eat when i arrived. Thye have a mongolian Bar-B-Q/make your own stir-fry bar. The only thing in the place that i know what is added. So I made a nice Chicken, Broccoli, Mushroom, Garlic, Ginger, Hot Pepper, Sesame Oil Stir Fry. When I handed the cook the bowl he looked at me and said, "HOW MUCH?" I have known the cook for a few years and the only words he has ever spoke to me before were "THANK YOU" when i drop a tip in his jar. So I looked confused. So he repeated, "HOW MUCH?" and I said "what?" Then he said, "HOW MUCH POUNDS?" My wife looked at me and said, "Honey he wants to know how many pounds you have lost." The bulb finally went on my little brain. I told him I had lost 107lbs. He said, "I THOUGHT SO."

It was amusing, funny and encouraging. The little chinese cook had noticed my weight loss. I am sure when our family stopped our regular trips to the Restaurant they must had thought. That fat guy must have finally had a heart attack, we will miss his business. Wonder what they said last night after we left? (They might not have been shocked or they might have started reading my Blog due to a relative emailing them my url, cause it is a big hit in China ever since some chocolate crazed lunatic scrawled it on the Great Wall with permanent marker)

BTW, thanks for the chinese food mom. It was yummy.

Posted by smitty at February 20, 2004 8:25 AM


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