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February 29, 2004

Cousin Sarah/Uncle Earl

My Cousin Sarah came to PA to visit. Had not seen her or Asa, her son, in over a year. It was a good excuse to get together with the Smith Family. We gathered at Grandma's House and spent a few hours visiting. I am amused that even though we came to see Sarah, I spent only a few minutes talking to her. I wish we could have spent longer and had a quality conversation. It is a hard thing to do with 25 other people who want to get their time in.

I spent most of my time talking to my Uncle Earl. I appreciate his friendship, he reminds me of my father. Sometimes by the things he says, sometimes by an expression he makes. After talking to him for a bit I wish we could talk more. We are just both busy people.

Earl did invite Caleb to come to the farm and spend a day with him. This excited Caleb and me. It will be a fun thing for Caleb to spend a day on the farm and I look forward to seeing caleb have that experience. I feel like if my father was still alive this is something caleb would have the chance to do often. I hope he enjoys it.

Posted by smitty at February 29, 2004 5:50 PM


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