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February 16, 2004


About 12 years ago my father, concerned with my weight had offered me a standing deal. He offered me $10 a pound for the first ten pounds I lost, $20 a pound for the next ten, $30 a pound for the next ten and so on and so on. Today I would have set him back $5700 and counting. The funny thing is that the bribe never worked for me. I needed different motivation. However the other day when i crossed 100lbs. I thought to myself: my dad would be pleased and i would be a bit richer :).

This afternoon to my surprise I got an iPod delivered to my house. It was a personal gift from my boss, Tim. Besides wanting an iPod for the last two years I was honored by the inscription(what does it say? some day you will have to read it for yourself!). Thank you for recognizing my effort to lose weight. (it is something my father would have done if he was here) The iPod will be an encouragement for many days and months to come. I truly appreciate it.

Posted by smitty at February 16, 2004 3:39 PM


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