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February 10, 2004

iTUNES Pepsi

First of all, all thanks to Kurt Weaver. Kurt is brilliant and knows that there is an angle to everything and he works every angle. He is my kind of person.

So here is the deal. Concerning the Pepsi iTunes Contest....

Found out that if you slant an iTUNES pepsi bottle to the side and stare under the cap. Count 4 lines of print it is a winner every time. 3 lines=SORRY TRY AGAIN. Takes about 30 seconds of looking at bottles before you can pick a winner everytime.

So I have now tested this out on a handful of bottles and got a winner everytime.

Kurt Rules!!!

Posted by smitty at February 10, 2004 10:24 PM


now i need to go try this out.

Posted by: Lyle at February 11, 2004 4:08 PM

There is much hoopla surrounding the iTunes Pepsi at our office. I think we may have bought out all the Pepsi products at Ski Roundtop on Saturday, and if spotted without a Pepsi product, Kurt would have us up at the counter as fast as our little legs could carry us. Pepsi and it's easy to find free songs have made some very devoted fans here at the station.

Posted by: Stacey at February 12, 2004 9:26 AM

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