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February 28, 2004

New Suit

Got a note today from my Grandma Smith. She wrote a very nice note encouraging me regarding my weight loss. I appreciated it very much. Anyway she wrote that she wants to buy me a new three piece suit and a sweater. I have never owned a suit before and it will have to wait until I am finished loosing weight but I look forward to going with my grandma to pick it out. I will need a few good suggestions on where to go buy a nice suit. So if you have any ideas drop me a line.

I am very grateful at her gift, just not sure when or where I am going to wear my new suit, I guess I will have to have a party.

Posted by smitty at February 28, 2004 8:04 PM


Hey Brian, I got my suit at Mens Warehouse in Lancaster. Right across from the Park City Mall. I was satisfied with the service and the suit.

Posted by: Darren Grier at March 1, 2004 9:02 AM

I think you should go to the nike outlet and buy a suit, they sell good two piece jogging suits, there, with rip away sweat pants, forget the three piece stuff, get a nice two piece.

Posted by: Lyle at March 1, 2004 1:15 PM

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