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February 6, 2004

Pork & Sauerkraut

Just to let everyone know, this is one of my favorite meals. So if you are having me over to your house to fix your computer this is the meal to feed me.

To be honest, growing up my mom didn't make me pork and sauerkraut but Grandma Light did. Most specifically when I had finally left home and was living in TN. I would come home a few times a year and Grandma Light would ask if we wanted to come over for supper and she would make me a meal. My Dad would convince me to ask her for Pork & Sauerkraut with Mash Potatoes and Dumplings. It was always good, but it was never my favorite meal.

I am now sure how it became one of my favorite meals, but eventually it did. A few years ago I got tired of waiting for Pork & Sauerkraut at Grandmas and I called her up to ask her how she made it taste so good. She told me to brown the pork before baking. And then fry onions in the pork drippings and add them to the Sauerkraut and slow cook them. Well I followed her directions and ever since I have been making Pork & Sauerkraut at least once a month.

Just so you know my second favorite meal of all time is Chicken Marsala that my wife makes. I could eat both of these meals any day of the week.

Posted by smitty at February 6, 2004 7:42 PM


Jessica, did not grow up with pork and sauerkraut, but both of us love the stuff, I was always partial to having a lot of sauerkraut and mashed potatoes on my plate. We make ours in the crock pot - cook it for a good 8 hrs.

Posted by: Darren Grier at February 6, 2004 8:20 PM

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