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February 11, 2004

Secret Sin

Had read something today from a friend. It was rather surprising reading. They had owned up to some sin in their life, something that I didn't know anything about and I am sure others did not either.

Amusing enough I think more of him right now than I did before I had read the note. At first glance, the sin should had made me feel less of him. But to be honest, knowing that he is standing up, facing his 'secret sins' and trying to deal with them make me respect him even more.

And reading a honest account of him owning up to his short comings was refreshing. I think so many times we spend more time trying to hide our true selves and our issues instead of exposing them for what they are. So to my friend I say well done. To everyone else I think we are left to be challenged to expose and bring into The Light whatever lurks in the shadows.

Posted by smitty at February 11, 2004 12:30 AM


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