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February 18, 2004

Underwear Game

I like being a youth leader. My favorite part of my 'job' is seeing kids get saved. My second favorite thing is making up stupid games and watching kids play them. Sometimes I get ideas off the internet, from a book or from a TV show, or from another youth worker. However the coolest part is to take an idea that i found and make it mine by adding a twist or a more interesting option and then watch kids play it.

By far tonight wasn't the coolest game I have ever made or the grossest, but it did make me smile a lot. I got a few pair of gigantic underwear(size 4x) and set the youth group into three teams. The object of the game was for each team to form in pairs of two. The pairs of two would each take turns climbing in the underwear, each player in a leg. Then they would race around the church and tag the next pair who would do the same thing. And so on and so on. Until everyone in the team competed. The first team done won.

It was a pretty fun game to watch. And I must say our youth group is filled with a bunch of kids who get along well and like to have fun.

Posted by smitty at February 18, 2004 10:58 PM


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