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March 31, 2004


I have been tired so i am a bit grumpy. And today I was pushed a bit to my limit. The GSH has a special nurse who certifies car seats. She came in and introduced herself and went with me to the parking lot to look at our car seat. Upon arriving at our vehicle she shook her head and told me our car seat was 7 years old and it was too old to be used. Car seats need to be no older than 6 years. What? So as of Jan. 1 my car seat is expired. However had I had a baby in December my car seat would have been ok. But now in March It is past it's due date. So if I want to be a safe and good father I need to haul my butt to the nearest store and fork over my money for a new car seat. How annoying. So I asked why my car seat is no good. Well it is because the plastic may be brittle. hunh? So i picked up my car seat and threw it against the macadem and it didn't break. So I am thinking it is still good.

Posted by smitty at March 31, 2004 4:13 PM


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