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March 23, 2004

close but no cigar

Today we went to the OBGYN for what i thought was the last visit of our pregnancy. (C-section on 3/30) When the appointment was over he scheduled us for a visit next Monday. I cannot even tell you how much I wanted to cry when he said one more appointment. My brain took the word appointment and converted it for me into disappointment. I am tired of going to his office.

I realize the joy that will come out of this. I am excited for our new baby. I am tired of dragging myself to the Dr. weekly. one more time, one more time.


Posted by smitty at March 23, 2004 2:59 PM


That stinks. I know I get frustrated when my Dr. always wants to "follow up" with me. I'm at the specialist like every couple of months, I can't imagine every week... grr. Like you said, though, when the little tyke arrives it'll all be worth it.

Posted by: stacey at March 24, 2004 10:27 AM

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