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March 19, 2004

Grunt Monkey

I have never been and hope to never be a grunt monkey.

Went to the gym today to lift weights. Today I did 'upper body' in which i possess no strength. I have pretty strong legs but my arms and chest are silly putty. So as I worked out in came two gym jocks/grunt monkeys. They started their work out on the machine next to me. They were talking to each other hyping each other up and challenging each other to do more. "you gonna do super-sets today?" "Oh. super-sets I thought we were gonna do endurance today and not intensity!" The conversation continued.

They would push themselves to the limit with each set and making sure everyone in the room new they were working hurt the would grunt and groan. If I did that I would die of embarrassment. Such sounds were meant to be made in private and not shared with he world. I can only hope our paths do not cross frequently.

I might be a gorilla but I am not a grunt monkey.

Posted by smitty at March 19, 2004 7:27 AM


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