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April 27, 2004

almost over

Another day at GMA, I wish I was at home, but I am making some good contacts here. Today we got up at 6am and had to be at the iworship breakfast by 7am. Got there on time, they had great food. I had Eggs & Sausage the first breakfast food I got all week. Heard Casting Crowns, they are grrreat. I recommend them. iWorship gave out leather backpack bags filled with stuff, very nice. After casting crowns I ran down to the booth and hung out there all day.

I went to lunch at the William Morris Luncheon, saw Anthony Evans(tony's son), Joy Williams, Matthew West, George Rowe, and a few others sing. To be honest I wasn't that impressed with anyone, i did like George Rowe. After Lunch I had a few good talks with a few promoters and sold a few future email blasts. Denver from Denver and the mile high orchestra stopped by the booth to thank iTICKETS for being a great support. Things cleared out by about 5pm so I went upstairs.

I met fred on the way back up and we hopped in the elevator to go back up to the 18th floor. The elevator started acting all freaky at the 3rd floor. It started shaking and it raised and dropped a half a dozen times and freaked everyone out in the elevator. The weird thing is that this same thing happened yesterday to me. As soon as the doors opened everyone ran off the elevator and refused to get back on it. I will not ride in the elevator for the rest of the hotel stay. Too freaky weird.

When we got back up to the room Val called. She used to work at WJTL and now lives in Nashville. She came over with her two daughters to see Fred and me. What cute kids. Made me miss mine.

Fred & I then walked around searching for a place to eat. We finally settled for the Hard Rock Cafe. I had a horrible steak, tasted like dog meat compared to the steak I had last night. When we were done we went into a bunch of tourist shops and looked at cheap stuff.

Kurt went to a bunch of evening concerts. I went back to the hotel and wrote my blog. then I went to bed. night!

Posted by smitty at April 27, 2004 11:53 PM


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