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April 12, 2004

Easter Cravings

Easter was yesterday and Dieting over Easter or any holiday is not fun. As of now I have gone through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Easter on my lifestyle change. It is not the diet that is the killer it is being different. I suppose in some extremely limited way I can relate to being a minority.

I do not like watching everyone else over indulge in anything and everything they desire while I stick to a specific (carb & calorie) regimen. When asked what i missed about not eating what everyone else ate I really couldn't think of a specific item as much of the feeling of being limited.

So what did i eat? I had Ham and Broccoli and lots of it. I actually like both of those items very much, so no loss in yumminess. But watching everyone else eat a ton of food and as much as they want and looking at all the chocolates, desserts and candies was not easy.

Added to the fact that I was tired Easter was a hard day to eat differently than most people.

Posted by smitty at April 12, 2004 5:06 PM


I had ham, green beans, tossed salad and strawberry carb smart ice cream. It seemed that the mashed potatoes looked extra fluffy and appealing this year...but I survived unscathed by carbs. The fact that everyone was making comments about how well I was doing and staring at me made it easier not to cheat.

Posted by: stacey gagne at April 13, 2004 12:28 PM

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