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April 24, 2004

GMA Gout

Well today was day one at GMA. It started for me by making arrangements to get my gout medicine prescription forwarded to a pharmacy here in TN. I then went to the store and picked it up. Yes, my joints in my foot started throbbing yesterday and I need to get some meds in me quick to stop the swelling before it gets so painful I can not walk. So while I was out Fred and Kurt suggested I look for a store where I could by an iPod mini. This way iTICKETS could give away an iPod mini at our booth. So I drove by the local Mac store here and picked one up. $249 for a 6oz. piece of aluminum that plays music. Very nice.

After that I stopped by the local Subway store and bought a Baby Spinach and Grilled Chicken Salad, this is my second BSGC Salad of the trip and will not be my last. After driving back to the hotel and putting the van in valet parking I went back to my room took my meds and passed out(meds make me sleepy).

So far the day had been a total business waste. But then things got interesting. Fred and Kurt came back from radio meetings and took me to meet a few people. Not mentioning names, we ended up discussing some deals that could be very good for itickets in the future. So I am very happy to have had the chance to meet these guys. For Supper we went to a local eatery and i got another grilled chicken salad. Two in one day(#3 for the week), wonder how many more yet this week.

After walking back to the hotel I went with Kurt to Integrity Music's Chocolate lover's party. No a big thing for me since I couldn't eat anything. But I pocketed a few snickers bars and some m&ms. Jason Morant played acoustic guitar and sang. He has a new album coming out soon and I think he will do well. After that Kurt and I got to talk to another guy who is head of marketing at the record company and we talked about itickets and how he could use it to his benefit. This was another great conversation.

Kurt is a good guy to hang out with in Nashville. He is not afraid to talk to people and the two of us have some great ideas. I think we can both talk a pretty good game and it works!

On an exercise note, this is the first time in 6 weeks i didn't run. The gout in my foot kept me from it. I still walked a ton today so I got some exercise. I also was able to keep up with everyone I was walking with and not break a sweat. that was a first.

Posted by smitty at April 24, 2004 11:07 PM


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