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April 25, 2004

Good Day

Today was setup day at GMA. I got up early and went with Kurt & Fred to worship service. Worship was lead by Darlene Zschech and it was great. I had to leave about 15 minutes before it was over to get the van and drive my stuff to the convention center. I didn't want to leave. It was an awesome time.

I drove the van into the convention center. The convention center is huge and has underground tunnels, i drove into a garage door in the side of the building and down some ramps and ended up three floors below the ground. I unloaded all the stuff for the booth and carted it into place. It took a few hours but I got everything set up, including the web cam(look for link). So tomorrow this whole thing gets underway, but today I already had about 50 people in my booth while i was setting up. People were asking questions and eating candy. I also gave away a handful of iTICKETS iSlices and some iTICKETS Pens. (Both very cool give-aways).

After setting up the booth I went to the CAA showcase at Rocketown. Saw Amy Grant, Starflield, Sarah Kelly & Point of Grace perform. Sarah Kelly was great, she is worth a listen if you have a chance. Her voice is unique and her songs were great. So far she is my best pick of the week. (oh, and point of grace, once you heard one song, you heard them all.) After CAA, went to the CRW showcase and saw some just signed bands, nothing too impressive, but what made me happy about this event? They had huge deli trays and I must have ate about a pound of sliced roast beef & ham. Since I hadn't eaten all day this was a big bonus for me.

Came back to the room late afternoon and called home and talked to my wife & kids. I miss them all and would rather be there. But there is more work to be done here. After a little rest we picked up and went over to the Ryman Auditorium for Michael W. Smith Worship with Darlene Zschech and about 40 other Christian Artists. What an incredible 2 hours of non-stop worship. If I could take all my friends to this event I would. It is indescribable unless you see and hear it for yourself words do not do justice.

After the worship, i headed back to the room to rest. Tomorrow is a huge day. Tomorrow AM, our company Creation/WJTL/itickets.com is being honored with the GMA lifetime achievement award. ITICKETS is only 6 years old and will be the youngest company to be co-honored for lifetime achievement. It is riding on the coat-tails of the Creation Festival, but I will take the small mention.

After the awards ceremony I will be busy till 6:30pm working at the booth standing on my feet and talking business. So who will I meet and what deals will i strike, you never know.

Posted by smitty at April 25, 2004 11:40 PM


I am enjoying your GMA reports! Thanks for the updates. In an earlier post you mentioned listening to Train on Kurts iPod...I agree, they rock.

Are there Sheetz in Nashville? This morning I tried a low carb breakfast "schmagel" and it rocked. I don't know how many carbs it actually had, but it was really yummy.

Posted by: stacey gagne at April 26, 2004 9:53 AM

Hey Brian, GMA is really all about the food. There is always meat to be had somewhere. Give everyone down there I know a big hug for me. Can't say I wish I was there, though. Cool webcam.

Posted by: Karen Sprengel at April 26, 2004 10:46 AM

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