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April 26, 2004


Well the morning started off early, getting ready for the GMA morning presentation. Tim & Harry were honored by the GMA for their lifetime of work. It was a nice presentation and Tim really thanked his wife for her role in helping him be the man he is. I thought it was great.

Once in the booth it was business till lunch. Standing for hours on end is not my specialty, but that is what i did. Lunch came and I went to the Jeff Roberts luncheon. Once again, Seventh Day Slumber was great. I was also bored by Avalon. Tree 63 did well. Before it was over I was back out at the booth. Getting ready for the crowd to exit. All the promoters are forced to walk by the itickets booth after lunch so I waited for them.

I ended up talking to a bunch of young artists, like Everyday Sunday who just had performed and were coveting the iPod mini we are gonna give away. The rest of the afternoon was a blurrrr. I didn't leave the stand all day, not even to go to the bathroom. Somewhere I need to remind myself people don't like jolly ranchers, I need more chocolate.

Fred invited me to go along to the William Morris Supper after the booth was closed. Both NJ & PA offices went with William Morris to Morton's Steak House. It was a good night. The William Morris Guys were very nice and the food was great.

Afterwards I went up to the room and crashed. Kurt went to the Tooth & Nail Showcase. I am sure it was worth it, but I was tired. Brian needed sleep.

Posted by smitty at April 26, 2004 11:33 PM


Who needs to go to GMA when you are there reporting back? It's like I'm there! Plus, having it in writing like this, I'd probably remember more than if I was actually there. I'd only be semi-conscious by this point anyway. Bless you for skipping the Tooth & Nail showcase. Sleep is more important anyway.

Posted by: Karen Sprengel at April 27, 2004 1:37 PM

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