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April 28, 2004

packing up

Today has been a hectic day so far. Woke up at 6am and got ready to go. Fred was already packed and pacing the floor, his plane left at 9am. Lucky Fred. I went to the Flicker Records breakfast with Kurt, it wasn't anything special so I left early and went to the booth.

Worked the booth till noon and then went to the GOA luncheon. They had the best lunch of the week, I heard Todd Agnew, Across the Sky, Jason Morant, Nate Sallie & Warren Barfield. All great performances. GOA should be proud.

After the lunch crowd had passed, we ripped down the booth and packed it away. We also packed the WJTL van for the trip home.

For supper we went out to eat with Val, Anita, Steve, Joe & Jodi It was a good time to hang out and chill after a busy week. After Supper we went to Tim & Harry's Karaoke after Dove Party. It was a very amusing party most everyone took their turn at the microphone. Somethings I want to remember for a long time, other things I hope to forget.

On an amusing note Patrick Swayze was hanging out on curb in front of the shop and was mobbed by a handful of people.

Posted by smitty at April 28, 2004 5:31 PM


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