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April 5, 2004


Today we took pictures of our kids including ruth. It took 3 sessions and about 60 pictures to get one we liked.

I like nice pictures but the work that goes into getting a nice picture can take forever. Having four kids in a picture means lots of pictures with 3 perfect posed kids and one not so perfect.

We will use the picture in a baby announcement we are making and I think I am gonna have a copy framed. Hopefully you will get one and if not I will post one on the site sometime soon.

BTW, my first day back on Atkins went fine.

Posted by smitty at April 5, 2004 7:16 PM


Wow - family pictures...sounds like a marathon. Can't wait to see all the Smith Tribe....you know you do now officially qualify as a TRIBE. Congrats again...I wish we were a tribe.

Posted by: Christine at April 8, 2004 1:26 AM

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