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May 17, 2004

10 years

It has been ten years since my life took a dramatic change. It has been a long time, but yet it feels like yesterday.

Ten years ago right now, I was sitting in my office in Nashville talking on the phone and making a deal when my sister called. She was panicked and upset. My father had fallen while working on a roof at our farm. As the events of the next 24 hours unfolded I would find myself flying to PA to be with my family, my father dying just minutes before I got to the hospital.

A week later a wind sheer/tornado destroyed our farm while my mother and I were in one of the barns. What an eventful week. I moved home from Nashville to help the best I could and I never returned.

I miss my father at the funniest times. Like when he would walk into a room and throw his hands in the air and do a Rocky style dance for our family. I am not sure why he did that, but I will never forget it. I have also found myself doing the same thing in front of my kids. (go figure)

He would have been happy to see me lose weight. He never said much about it other than to encourage me when I needed it. My dad was a good guy. He took care of our family and provided for us. He loved God. He was the type of guy who could start a conversation with anyone. He liked working with teens. He always turned off lights to conserve energy. He ate weird things like peanut butter on top of raw cabbage. And he loved watching the news on TV.

There are many more things I could say and perhaps someday I will. But for now, Dad you are missed.

Posted by smitty at May 17, 2004 1:12 PM


Hi Brian. You forgot to add one thing to the Rocky Dance...the Tube Socks! Dad wore shorts with long tube socks, the other funny part was that the colored stripes on the top the tube socks were different Colors on each sock! He never wore matching socks! LOL! That's what I remember when he was dancing around being funny.

Posted by: Little Sister at May 19, 2004 12:49 PM


Thanks for writing that about your dad. It was very heartfelt and meaningful.

He would be proud of the dad you've become.

Keep doing the dance, but leave out the tube socks.

Posted by: Fred at May 20, 2004 5:14 AM

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