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May 7, 2004

adventure night

Last night i put the kids in bed at 8pm, kissed my wife and baby and headed out the door to go grocery shopping. I figured it would be a great night to shop for groceries since between survivor and the last episode of Friends the whole world would be at home watching TV. I also chose to go shopping at my local WEIS store which has less traffic than WALMART.

Well I did good. For a good amount of time there were only 3 people in the whole store me, the manager and the checkout guy. This would have been a perfect night, no kids, no other shoppers, and an empty checkout line. But of course life took me for a turn.

While checking out I realized that I was missing my truck keys. Did I loose them in the store? Did I leave them in the truck? Either way, not a good thing.
I went tot he parking lot and discovered I had locked my keys in the truck.

Shelly was at home with the kids who were sleeping, I had no extra keys on me. What to do? I called my neighbor man, Mr. Musser (10pm) asked him if he could get my spare keys from my wife at the house and drive them to me.
Being the great man he is he agreed. That was a good thing cause I was the sole human being standing in the middle of the empty store parking lot. Even the manager and the check out boy left.

ONly I can take a simple night of shopping and turn it into an adventure.

Posted by smitty at May 7, 2004 7:10 AM


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