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May 29, 2004

Down to One

There are very few possessions I cherish, my wedding ring is one of them. My ring has not left my finger for a day in my marriage. I wear it 24/7. I have done this for 9 years and hope to do it for the rest of my life. Why so important? It represents my bond and my relationship with my wife.

Since loosing weight my ring has been slipping off my fingers. After a few weeks of loosing weight I had to move my ring from my left ring finger to my left thumb and then to my left middle finger. For the last four months, my ring has been living on my left middle finger. But slowly and surely my middle finger has lost weight too. This past week my ring has fallen off my middle finger at least a dozen times. The good news is I have been able to retrieve it easily, but the fact that it keeps slipping off has me scared because I do not want to loose my ring.

So now my ring slips off all the fingers on my left hand and it also slips off four of the five fingers on my right hand. So I am down to one finger(my right thumb). It has a a think enough knuckle that the ring still catches and stays on.

The bummer is that my right thumb is probably the worst place for my ring. Since I am right handed the ring seems to get in my way. So I catch myself putting it back on my left middle finger. Just hoping I do not forget myself and loose it.

Not sure what my next move is. I would like to wait until I am done loosing weight and get my ring resized to fit perfectly at my new weight. But at the same time I want to wear my ring and I am afraid I will loose it.

3.6m 44m -75.1t

Posted by smitty at May 29, 2004 10:21 PM


Why not just put your ring on a necklace and where it that way at least until you get it resized?

Posted by: April at May 31, 2004 2:00 PM

Go back to the days of high school. And the old yarn trick. That would always work for me.

BTW, 17 years and my wedding ring has not left the finger. (except for maybe mixing stuff by hand). I agree, it symbolizes the relationship and is very important.

Posted by: Dave at June 1, 2004 4:42 PM

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