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May 25, 2004


Woke up this morning to run, stepped out of bed and my foot was throbbing and achey. Why yes, I have the gout. Bummer, I hate the gout. So i took some of my meds for the gout and went back to bed. The bad news is the meds make me really tired and sleepy. So it is now an hour and a half later and I am awake, but not really. My head is spinning and I feel the need to lay down.

Very bummed about the gout, this makes the fourth time(?) I have had gout in the last 7 months. It usually lasts about 5 days. The good news is that compared to the first time when I didn't know what it was and let it get so bad that I couldn't walk without getting tears in my eyes I now can pop some pills which start to reverse the process in 24 hours.

For right now however it is awful trying to be awake my head is having a hard time concentrating on anything and I need to go lay down.

Posted by smitty at May 25, 2004 8:16 AM


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