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May 13, 2004

House Design

My brain wanders and today is no exception. I was listening to some Steve Taylor Music and started thinking. This guy is one of the coolest Musician/Artist types I can think of. I bet he has a cool house. The coolest house I have ever been in was designed by some other Musician/Artist types and Nashville Residents Eddie & Susan DeGarmo. They have a very nice place. It was big, but that didn't impress me as much as the thought and creativity that went into the house.

So I was thinking if my wife and I could brainstorm and design a house of our dreams. I would invite Steve Taylor and Susan DeGarmo to sit with us and brainstorm. For what it is worth.

Where do these thoughts come from? I dunno. But thought I would share my momentary loss of focus/brain control with you.

Posted by smitty at May 13, 2004 10:17 AM


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