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May 14, 2004

Neighbors & Busses

Today I decided to run ten minutes earlier than before. I thought this to be a wise decision. I really didn't want to 'run' into the amish running woman again. I am not sure I could deal with the head tricks again. But of coarse, what a difference 10 minutes makes.

Today my run was timed perfectly to coincide with all my neighbors leaving for work. My nerves were on edge as I would see a garage door opening and a car rolling down their driveway only to pause and watch me run past. This happened 3 times. One guy even had trash bags in the back of his truck and he was unloading them at the end of his lane. He watched me the whole time. Why can't people mind their own business.

But this was nothing compared to my what laid around the last turn. Just to my luck and my fortunate timing I ran into a pack of a dozen High Schoolers waiting for the bus. And just to my luck the bus came as I crossed their path.

I passed the obstacle the best I could. And my house was only a quarter mile up the last hill. Finally I would be safe. Then the bus started following. The driver not wanting to risk going around me because she couldn't see oncoming traffic because of the hill. The bus driver slowly followed me up the hill, very, very slowly. She was waiting for me to clear the hill so she could pass me safely. ugh. Now I am slowing a bus down. Gotta speed up, gotta get off the road.
Run Brian, Run. Perhaps mornings aren't a good time.

3.6m 45m -60.7t

Posted by smitty at May 14, 2004 2:56 PM


I'm loving all of this!!!!!! Keep up the good work and don't worry what people think - you're doing great!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Aunt Linda at May 28, 2004 10:54 AM

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