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May 10, 2004

planned cheat

Well may it be known that I had a planned cheat this weekend. I threw my 'diet' out the window and ate what i wanted from Thursday night through Saturday night. I had some chocolate, pasta, popcorn, oatmeal raisin cookies and a few bite size snicker bars. It all tasted pretty good. I still ran on Saturday as planned and come Sunday morning I was back to my 'diet'.

Last month when I cheated for two days I had noted a few things. One was that I gained over 10lbs in water weight in less than 24 hours. The other was that the break from my normal eating pattern actually did me good and accelerated my weight loss efforts. So believing my findings to be true I thought I would try it out again.

Sure enough my water weight came back on just as planned. And as of today is already leaving again. Now to see if my fat weight takes a hike too. Really hoping that an occasional break from my 'diet' keeps my metabolism tricked into burning fat.

So right now I am planning on sticking to my diet & exercise regime until vacation which is just over a month away. Hopefully I can see similar results this next month as I did in the last month.

I am planning another body composition measurement before vacation to track my progress. So my goal is to be under 22% body fat by vacation(which will classify me as in 'fair' shape) and close to my original weight loss goal(which is only 15lbs. away).

3.6m 45m -53.5t

Posted by smitty at May 10, 2004 5:13 PM


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