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May 27, 2004

Pork Rinds

Ok, I am having a craving, I need pork rinds. But not just any pork rinds, Pork rinds that come from only one place. The little vendor who sits in front of the Cabela's store in Hamburg,PA. The sign on the front of their out building says Kettle Corn, but inside that small building they sell the best home made Pork Rinds that money can buy. I must admit some pork rinds are pretty nasty tasting and have a funny odor, but the Cajun flavored pork rinds from the vendor in front of Cabela's are the world's best.

It all started in December when my sister bought me two bags of Pork Rinds from there for a Christmas present. The cajun flavored were the best and the regular flavor was good too. I devoured the bags in no time flat and it left me wanting more. A month later I went with my wife and mother-in-law to a wholesale show in Allentown and on the way home I made a specific trip to Cabela's, I never set foot inside the store. I just drove up to the front of the building to visit the Pork Rind Vendor. I bought 4 bags that day. I ran out of Pork rinds a week or two later and have been craving them ever since.

Last month my friend Lyle went to Cabela's for a shopping trip and I begged him to pick me up a few bags. I was very sad when he came home empty handed. The vendor had run out that day and wasn't expecting a new delivery till the weekend.

So I am thinking about driving to Cabela's just to buy pork rinds. My only problem is that it really is a waste of time for our family. Right now since Ruth demands so much time, spending a few hours driving to Cabela's and back is a waste. And there is always a chance that the vendor will not have any. So I decided to call the vendor just to toy with my emotions and see if he would have some pork rinds. But I couldn't figure out his phone number. So I called Cabela's The girl who answered said she knew the person out front sold pork rinds. But had no more information. I almost begged her to walk out front and ask the guy or just walk out front and sniff a bag of them for me. But she seemed way too bothered and busy to do that.

I wish I had a bag right now.

So perhaps I can plead with my readers. I am sure one of you will be making a trip to Cabela's or driving on route 78 past Cabela's sometime in the near future. If you think about it. Stop at the kettle corn vendor out front and buy me a few bags of Pork Rinds. I will gladly pay you for them.

3.6m 46m -71.5t

Posted by smitty at May 27, 2004 7:26 PM


I have 1 1/2 bags of UTZ BBQ pork rinds in my desk drawer.

Is Cabella's the place I have heard of with the big taxidermy stuff? Karen and I wanted to stop there on the way to that Berks Game Day, but didn't get to. Next time, maybe we will have to make a point of it just to stock up on the pork rinds.

Posted by: stacey gagne at May 28, 2004 2:57 PM

I have been wanting to go to Cabela's FOREVER! Now there is even more incentive. I, too, cannot seem to justify it, with having to take out a small loan every time I want to fill up my gas tank. I'll keep you in mind, though, if I ever make the trip.

Posted by: Karen Sprengel at May 28, 2004 3:44 PM

I have a Kettle Corn and Pork Rind business. We make our pork rinds the same way. I do ship them if you would like to order any. The seasonings for the pork rids are: Regular, Cajun, BBQ, Garlic and Salt and Vinegar. We sell the reg. bags for 3.00 and large bags for 10.00. Plus shipping, which should be minimal since they are not heavy. Contact me if your interested, I do use peanut oil to cook them.

Posted by: Becky Wrubel at June 3, 2005 11:52 AM

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