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May 26, 2004


I have had a hard time this past week feeling satisfied. For starters I just am not pleased with the food I have been eating. I can not say that this was even an issue for me for months, but this past week cravings and psychological hunger have been attacking me. And as if that wasn't enough for me to deal with what I am eating is not leaving me feeling full. I can remember back to the beginning when after my first week I was hunger free for months. That is not the case anymore. I know that the 'experts' will say that I probably am cheating or have fudged in my plan someway and that my hunger and unsatisfaction come from that. Well I am here to tell you, I have not waivered from my plan. Currently I am being very strict and I am doing well as far as weigh loss is concerned.

But there have been days recently, like today, where I am ready to throw in the towel. Give up with only a few pounds remaining. Just to be done. Perhaps that is what I crave most today, I crave to be done. Finished with this weight loss, finished with eating by a specific plan, finished with weighing myself and finished with wondering how it will end.

I guess I am ready for the finish line, I am ready to cross and be done. I am ready to get on with whatever is next. But I fear that the road ahead is still long. I fear that the last pounds of weight to loose will come off slow. That my transition from weight loss lifestyle to regular lifestyle will be slow and full of experimenting to see what I can and can not eat. All these thoughts and plans and the emotions that go along with them are leaving me feeling yucky.

I just want to kick back, relax and feel satisfied.

Posted by smitty at May 26, 2004 6:47 PM


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