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May 16, 2004


Well last night I took my family and my mother to the JCPenney Outlet for some clothing shopping. JCP is one of my favorite places to go since I lost weight. Mostly, because I do not have a ton of money and the clothing is cheap.

I was able to find swim trunks for $4.99 and shirts as low as $2.99. So hurray for deals. I took back two pair of shorts I bought for summer cause they were size 38 and will soon be too big for me. So since I had not worn them I thought I would trade them in. I got $30 for the shorts and was able to buy a bunch of other stuff. To my surprise I was able to fit into size L for shorts and XL for shirts. THis is another drop in size for me. I am not sure I will shrink much further, but I am happy with my new clothing size.

Posted by smitty at May 16, 2004 8:56 AM


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