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June 18, 2004


For the last four years we stayed at 1212 Central. Right behind the Vacation House was a cool little water ice shop name Jakes. Just about every night of the week we would stroll over to Jakes and get some ice cream. After some time we got to know the man who owned the place and his oldest son. They are good people to talk to and their friendship was jsut as welcomed as their ice cream.

It is hard to believe we could spend a week at the shore without visiting Jakes.
Today as we were packing to leave, Shelly asked me if we could stop at Jakes and get some ice cream for old time's sake. I couldn't argue cause I felt bad we hadn't stopped by. So before crossing the bridge out of town we drove down Asbury and stopped at Jakes. Sure enough Jake was outside and his son was working the window.

It had not occurred to me that they might not recognize me. I talked to the father like he knew me but after a short conversation I felt like he didn't have a clue. So I stepped up to the window and placed my order with his son. We talked as he got my wife's ice cream ready. He chatted with me like I was familiar but it was only when I got ready to pay that he figured out who I was.
He asked me about my weight loss and was pretty flabbergasted.

Every once in a while it is cool to run into someone who hasn't seen me since the beginning of my weight loss. I get to live for a moment in their eyes and see my weight loss as an achievement. To be honest, most of the time I am so caught up in my daily struggle to loose weight that I rarely see the big picture or feel good about where I have come from. So it was nice to see my weight loss fresh through someone else's eyes. And it was good to see our friends at Jakes.

Posted by smitty at June 18, 2004 11:48 PM


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