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June 16, 2004

The switch

My sister Cindy and her husband left last night, they went home and took Grandma Rutter with them. We had fun with them while they were here. I wish they would spend the whole week. But half a week is better than none. We spent yesterday afternoon playing on the beach. Shelly & Cindy took the girls out in the water. The girls spent a good amount of time Boogie Boarding.

Today Ji & his family arrived. It was good to see them. It has been more than 6 months since we saw them last and our kids were excited to see their kids and we were glad to spend some time with them. After going to the boardwalk for a short time we played carcassone. It is good to have the chance to spend time with them.

Posted by smitty at June 16, 2004 10:22 PM


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