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June 12, 2004


Got up at 6am took showers fed ruth and packed into the suburban and was on the road to meet up with the others by 8:30. Then onto the shore. We made it to Somers Point by noon and decided to eat at TGI Fridays for lunch. I had there bunless double cheeseburger. It was served with some sort of alien looking salad. I didn't touch it. Overall my burgers were good but the service stank. Too bad cause I like Fridays.

Stopped at our realtor's office. They are good people, very fast and efficient. I walked in spoke my name and had my keys and info about 30 seconds later. (looking for a beach house rental in nj? check out our realtor website http://www.ocnj.com). This is a new house for us this year. For the past few years we have been staying close to the boardwalk in a 4 bed 2 1/2 bath house. It has served us well but it was time for a change.

This year I asked the realtor about houses that do not have stairs. In case you do not know, most houses in OCNJ need to be atleast 6 feet off the ground. This requires you to walk up stairs to get in the house. Since mom's legs aren't getting any better it was time to find a house without stairs to climb. The solution our realtor came up with was an elevator. So we moved to a house on 34th street with an elevator. So far the house looks like it will fit our needs and I hope it will give mom the extra advantage of not having to climb stairs.

Posted by smitty at June 12, 2004 11:48 PM


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