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July 3, 2004

Black Socks

I bought a pack of Black Athletic Socks(ankle high) a week ago to wear with some new shoes I got. Last night I pulled them out of my sock basket and decided to wear them with my grey new balance sneakers(w/black accents). I thought they looked okay. After supper we went over to my mother's house to hang out with a bunch of our family. Being at my mom's house I took my sneakers off and walked around in my (black)socks.

After a bit my sister walks up to me and says in front of everyone else that she is dying to take off my socks and throw them away. That black socks look awful with shorts and that I should be wearing white socks. Well just about everyone in the room agreed with her. This was news to me. I liked my black socks.

So here is your chance to sound off. Below is my picture I look of my black socks with my sneakers and with my new shoes. Let me know what you think. Also for your viewing enjoyment is a picture of ruth watching me take pictures of my black socks(she likes to stand now).

3.6m 43m -89.5t

Posted by smitty at July 3, 2004 9:01 AM


In my opinion the black socks look OK with the sneakers, but not with the other shoes. At any rate it is not about what other people think. As long as you like your black socks, they're just perfect.

And Ruth is adorable as always. ;)

Posted by: April at July 3, 2004 5:43 PM

===== LOVE GRANNY======

Posted by: grannylight at July 4, 2004 2:08 AM

I think the socks look a-ok, but the legs are much nicer. Nice legs son!!!!!! LOL I love you no matter what you wear. Isn't that just like a mommy. Have a nice day now. hugs & kisses . I am proud of you son.

Posted by: MOM at July 4, 2004 3:42 PM

Hello! It's your MEAN Sister. ha ha!
Still not liking the Black socks w/ Shorts.
---I do like the black socks with the Sneakers.---
Not sure about the black sock with the Brown dress shoes w/ SHORTS. Dress pants would look better.
I do like the sneakers and the Dress shoes.
Just never seen you in BLACK SOCKS. It was SHOCKING!

I do like the tan legs. That's a plus!
I still do love you!

Posted by: Little Sister at July 4, 2004 7:05 PM

You know, Pam and I were just out shopping and I had a thought of buying black athletic socks before we left.
Of course my memory is going, so I forgot about the socks by the time we got to the store. Thanks for reminding me. Letís see if I remember the next time weíre out.
The black socks look good.
As always Ruth looks so precious and adorable, as with all your children.
God has truly blessed you guys with a great family.

Posted by: Dave at July 5, 2004 10:52 PM

Hm, Well I would say I would only wear the black socks if you were wearing a black shirt. My gut would be no black socks with shorts, though...although in the pic the black socks with sneakers didn't look bad. I go with sandals most of the time anyway, you can't screw thÂÜ up. : ) I am no fashion pro, that's for sure.

Ruth is adorable.

Posted by: stacey gagne at July 6, 2004 8:36 AM

Hi Toots - OK - here's the deal - the black socks look good with the sneakers, not the other shoes? slippers? Also, getting back to the gray on the white socks that Rick hates and you don't like either, I have nothing against that either - but that's not the issue here, now is it? Anyway.........nice legs.

Also..........you're 4 for 4 (4 great looking, adorable kids)

Love, Me

Posted by: Aunt Linda at July 6, 2004 9:13 AM

What concerns me is all the women I am related to are telling me I have nice legs. You can cut that out anytime.

Posted by: Brian Smith at July 6, 2004 10:21 AM

Hey Brian, great legs! ;-) If you were concerned about all the women commenting on your legs, that should just about give you a heart attack.

Seriously though, black or white both work well. The key is whether or not you wear them with pride. Other people sense that, and suddenly they become a positive fashion statement.

Posted by: alan at July 6, 2004 3:12 PM

I'd love to see those pics, but it seems that they're not available any more! Could you send them to me?

I recently had a similar discussion, and I got advice of a fashion expert. She said that black socks are right with sneakers depending their color and the trousers color.
I can give you a correct point of view if you send them to me.

The socks with sneakers had adopted similar rules like with the other shoes.... so white socks are now only recomended with sport trousers and white sneakers mainly!

Posted by: Abraxas at July 6, 2005 7:09 PM

They look great. Keep them. Wear them. Just don't wear them with all white sneakers.

Posted by: Christine at July 7, 2005 1:14 PM

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