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July 4, 2004

Boxed Burgers

Being that it is the 4th of July I grilled some burgers today. Usually I only buy my burgers/meat at Costco. I prefer their ground beef, not very fatty and they pre-package there burgers into 8-oz. patties and that makes a great burger. Meat, grrr. yum.

Anyway, today I found myself with a pack of frozen pre-packaged/boxed super market burgers. I had never grilled a boxed burger in my life. I guess being raised on a farm we always had burgers from the butcher and when i got married I had the same until we started going to Costco.

So i threw the patties on the grill, turned down the flame, closed the top and took a chill for a few. When I came back to the grill, the grill was smoking. I opened the lid and it was a four alarm fire. Those boxed burgers were dripping grease faster than i sweat doing aerobics. Flames shot 2-3 feet in the air burning the hair off the back of my hands.

Well i turned off the gas, moved the burgers around and scraped the grill. I caught the burgers in time, they were fine and everyone else was in the house. So it was my little secret(until now).

I don't plan on grilling any more boxed burgers again in my life.

Shelly's cousin Eric and his wife Deb and their son's Jacoby and Carlton picnicked with us. There son Carlton is only a few days younger than Ruth. It was a nice night, we took some pictures of Ruth & Carlton together, then kids played in the back yard, we set off some illegal fire works and then we sat on the deck and watched public(and some private) firework displays on the horizon in about 7 locations. By the time they were over I took the kids up to bed and they were asleep before we were done saying prayers.

carlton & ruth, second cousins

3.6m 43m -93.1t

Posted by smitty at July 4, 2004 11:30 PM


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